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Pre-Announcement of International Architectural Design Competition for Guangzhou Museum and Guangzhou Science Museum

来源:广州市规划局 发布时间:2014-02-17 09:25:00 访问量:- 【字号: 打印 分享到:

  The development of Four Cultural Projects (i.e. Guangzhou Museum, Guangzhou Art Gallery, Guangzhou Science Museum and Guangzhou Culture Center (Lingnan Grand View Garden)) in Guangzhou represents the city’s strategic move to fulfill the goal of enhancing the city’s public cultural undertaking and well-being of the people, making Guangzhou a national central city and responding to the policy of “Three Pilotings and Two Leading Roles” (piloting in developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, deepening the reform and opening up initiatives and exploring the scientific development outlook, meanwhile playing leading roles in building an all-around well-off society and basically realizing the modernization). Following the competition of urban design and architectural design for Guangzhou Art Gallery and Guangzhou Culture Center at the first stage, the International Architectural Design Competition for Guangzhou Museum and Guangzhou Science Museum will be launched. Please see below for the pre-announcement.

  I. Project Profile

  Located at the southern part of Guangzhou’s new urban central axis, Guangzhou Museum and Guangzhou Science Museum flank the Lingnan Square respectively on the west and east and adjoin the Chigang Pagoda and the planned Guangzhou Art Gallery.

  The international design competition comprises two parts, i.e. international architectural design competition for Guangzhou Museum and Guangzhou Science Museum respectively.

  1. International Architectural Design Competition for Guangzhou Museum

  (1) Investment: About RMB 1.2 billion Yuan.

  (2) Location and site scope: located on the west of Guangzhou’s new urban central axis and south of Chigang Pagoda with the total site area of 4.35 ha (including the land for Chigang Pagoda Park).

  (3) Construction size: the GFA is no more than 80,000m2.

  2. International Architectural Design Competition for Guangzhou Science Museum

  (1) Investment: About RMB 1.2 billion Yuan.

  (2) Location and site scope: located on the east of Guangzhou’s new urban central axis and south of the planned Guangzhou Art Gallery with the total site area of 2.95 ha.

  (3) Construction size: the GFA is no more than 80,000m2.

  II. Competition Contents

  Architectural design and cost estimation for Guangzhou Museum and Guangzhou Science Museum

  III. Competition Time

  The official registration and the design competition are scheduled in March or April. The specific time schedule will be announced separately.

  IV. Qualification and Capacity of Design Firm (Consortium) Registering for Competition

  (1) Candidate registering for the Competition must hold the Grade A qualification certificate for architecture design granted by the Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China. Design firms from outside China, or those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan should have relevant design experiences and portfolio.

  (2) In the case of a consortium, each member of the consortium should have Grade A qualification certificate for architecture design. If the consortium contains design firms from outside China, or those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan should have relevant design experiences and portfolio.

  (3) Eligible candidates shall be international and local architectural design firms that have directed and designed similar large projects that have been completed in recent five years (as of Feb 2009).

  V. Contact Details

  Address: F5, Annex Building, No.80, Jixiang Rd, Guangzhou

  Postcode: 510030

  Tel: 0086 20 8332 0630 - 60

  Fax: 0086 20 8332 0589

  E-mail: gz2014competition@qq.com

  Contact: Xu Lige

  VI. Details are subject to the subsequent official announcement and Technical Document. Should there be any discrepancy between the Chinese and English version, the former shall prevail.

  Committee of International Design Competition for Four Cultural Projects

  Site map of Guangzhou Museum and Guangzhou Science Museum
