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粤港澳创新合作示范区城市设计国际竞赛公告Announcement on International Urban Design Competition of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone


Announcement on International Urban Design Competition of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone

I. Host: Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau and Nansha District People’s Government of Guangzhou City

II. Organizer: Nansha Branch of Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau (Guangzhou  Nansha Development Zone Planning Research Center)


  III. Competition Decision-makingInstitution: Urban Design Competition Committee of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone

IV. Technical Service for the competition: Guangzhou Urban Planning Association

V. Conference and Logistics Assistance for the competition: Guangdong Electromechanical Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.

VI. Project Name: International Urban Design Competition of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone (hereinafter referred to as the "Competition")

VII. Project Background

In 2019, the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council proposed to build a demonstration zone of all-round cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha, Guangzhou. The Work Report of People's Government of Guandong Province in 2021 proposes to strengthen the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong and Guangzhou-Zhuhai-Macao Science and Technology Innovation Corridors, and promote the linkage between the "twin cities" of Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Shouldering the new mission of further promoting innovation demonstration for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone is the portal directly connecting the hubs of the seaport, high-speed railway and airport at the southernmost tip of Guangzhou, the intersection of two technology innovation corridors, and the strategic hinge connecting the inner circle development belt around Greater Bay Area in the southern expansion urban spatial development strategy of Guangzhou.

The Organizer have carried out research on the functional orientation and industrial space planning of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone and reached a preliminary consensus. They have put forward the overall vision of building the integrative strategic center of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, building the world's emerging technology innovation source, the national advanced manufacturing technology study place, the new highland of future industrial growth and the demonstration place of modern service innovation in the Bay Area, and planned the industrial and spatial layout of intelligent manufacturing park, digital valley, health valley and ocean science city.

Based on the relevant master plans and the above previous research results, the Competition will carry out in-depth research on development strategy and high-quality design of spatial form, put forward the planning, construction and development roadmap of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone with high standards, and establish the city image of Guangzhou as the southernmost sea-land portal.

VIII. Competition Scope and Requirements

The scope of the Competition is divided into two levels of overall conceptual design and detailed design.

Overall conceptual design scope: south of Bayong (8th canal), west of Longxue South Waterway, east of Hongqili Waterway and north of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge, covering an area of about 71 square kilometers (see Appendix I for details).

Overall conceptual design requirements: According to the new situation of regional development, the opportunities, such as the successive implementation of major transportation infrastructure and the closer linkage between the elements of the inner bay circle and the population in Greater Bay Area, are seized, the vision and positioning of the planning objectives are determined, the industrial and functional planning is carried out, and the functional spatial layout for driving regional development in the future is planned on the premise of creating a landscape pattern integrating sea, river, field, city and wetland. The requirements of peak carbon emission and green development are implemented, and the overall urban feature, living environment, supporting services, ecological environment and transportation are optimized and improved.

Detailed design scope: south of Shiwuyong (the 15th canal) and west of Lingxin Avenue, covering an area of about 8 square kilometers.

Detailed design requirements: On the basis of the overall conceptual design, according to the functional orientation of the detailed design range of 8 square kilometers and the assumption of industrial space demand, the supporting conditions are analyzed and detailed design is carried out, including functional format planning, land layout optimization, land development intensity, vertical design, traffic organization, public service facilities planning, open space, and urban style control. At the same time, no less than one node should be selected for deepening design.

IX. Competition Registration Method

(I) Registration requirements

The following Items 1-3 are necessary requirements for registration, and Item 4 is a reference requirement.

    1. The Competition accepts the registration of domestic and overseas design institutions alone or in a consortium, and does not accept the registration of individuals or combinations of individuals. Both domestic and overseas design institutions must complete legal and effective agency registration locally. The number of institutions forming the consortium shall not exceed 3, and each institution within the consortium shall not participate in the competition alone in its own name or form a new consortium with other design institutions. During the registration, the consortium must submit the Consortium Agreement and specify the main unit of the consortium in the agreement (see Appendix III for details).

    2. If the person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units with direct holding and management relationship, they are not allowed to sign up for the competition alone or in different consortia at the same time.

    3. The planners and designers participating in the competition shall be registered personnel of this design institution, and the chief designers shall participate in the whole competition.

4. It is preferred for the chief designers to have the following experience in hosting similar projects:

1) Experience in overall planning and design of waterfront urban areas at the mouth of major rivers;

2) Spatial development strategy and planning experience of important development platform nodes in large urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas;

3) Detailed urban design ability and practical experience in key urban waterfront sections;

4) Cutting-edge key technology reserves in one or more aspects such as future cities, ecological resilience and carbon-neutral cities;

(II) Registration time

Beijing time: From 10:00 on July 13 to 17:00 on August 3, 2021 (the acceptance time of on-site submission materials is from 10:00 to 17:00 on working days, which will not be accepted on legal holidays).

(III) Registration methods and procedures

    1. Interested design institutions should first log in the website of http://o0he83rrq2mtq4ns. mikecrm.com/DhKhjZ4or scan the attached QR code for information registration;

    2. Interested design institutions should email the registration demonstration documents and the List of Design Institutions (see the relevant expressions in this announcement "(IV) Competition Registration Documents" for detailed requirements) to the email address of jingsai@upagz.cn 3 days before the registration deadline (that is, before July 31, 2021;

    3. The written registration materials produced in accordance with the "(IV) Competition Registration Documents" of this announcement must be delivered to the receiving address on site or by post before the deadline for registration. If the written registration materials are delivered before the deadline (subject to the mail receipt record or the on-site receipt form record), the registration will be successful. The design institution shall accept the written registration materials submitted by mail before the bidding deadline. If the written registration materials are not delivered before the deadline due to mailing reasons, all consequences arising from the mailing process shall be borne by the design institution.

The information on delivery address is as follows:

Addressee: Mr. Lu and Mr. Wu

Contact number: 020-83860919,17620095611

Address: Nansha Archival Information and Planning Exhibition Center (southwest corner of intersection of Fenghuang Avenue and Kaixiang Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province)

(IV) Competition registration documents

1. The following written documents shall be arranged in A4 format according to Appendix III Registration Document Format, which should be no more than 200 pages, printed on both sides of paper under 80g and bound in soft leather, with one original and two copies sealed together. In addition to stamping the seal of the institution according to the position marked in the format document, the original should also be stamped with the seal on the perforation (the consortium only needs to be stamped with the seal of the main unit).

According to the Detailed Rules for the Selection of Participating Institutions in International Urban Design Competition of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone (see Appendix II), points 1) to 7) below are the necessary materials for compliance review, which shall be prepared in strict accordance with the requirements of Appendix 3 Registration Document Format. If there is omission in content, format as well as seal and signature, the compliance review won't be passed.

  1)《设计机构信息表》(签字并加盖公章)。1) Table of Information on Design Institution (signed and stamped with official seal).

2) Formal registration confirmation letter.

3) Consortium Agreement (only applicable to design institutions registered in the form of consortium).

4) Name and qualification description of design institution (provided with a copy of qualification certificate).

5) Brief introduction and registration information of design institution (provided with copies of relevant registration certificates or licenses. If overseas design institutions are represented by their branches in China, a description of the ownership structure of the branches shall be provided).

6) Certificate of legal representative (original) and power of attorney of legal representative (original) (applicable to domestic design institutions or domestic design institutions in the consortium); Certificate of head of institution (original) and letter of authorization of head of institution (original) (applicable to overseas design institutions or overseas design institutions in the consortium); Copy of valid identity certificate of authorized person.

7) On-the-job certificate of the chief designer and commitment letter of full participation.

8) Detailed personal resume and experience of the chief designer.

9) Design institution's design experience and relevant performance of similar projects (since January 1, 2016 to the present).

10) Professional experience and performance of designers in participating teams.

11) Interpretation of the competition assignment(It includes but is not limited to the interpretation of the design requirements of this competition, general design target, design strategy and analysis of important and difficult points. A simple sketch can be attached for expressing the design thought).

12) Other information deemed necessary by the design institution.

2. At the same time, the following electronic documents should be made in the form of USB flash disk or CD-ROM (the total size of all electronic documents should not exceed 200M) in duplicate, which should be sealed together with the written registration materials.

1) The above bound printed documents need to be scanned *.pdf documents after the original is stamped.

2) Registration demonstration document: *.pptx/*.ppt format demonstration document including introduction of the design institution, relevant performance, interpretation of the competition assignment and introduction of the design team (with less than 10 pages, ratio of 16:9 and font size suitable for 100-inch screen playing, see Appendix 5 for the format).

  3)《设计机构情况一览表》(格式见附件四)。3) List of Design Institutions (see Appendix IV for the format).

(V) The Announcement is published on the following websites:

  广州市规划和自然资源局网站(网址: ghzyj.gz.gov.cn/)
Website of Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau (website: ghzyj.gz.gov.cn/)

Guangzhou · Nansha District People's government (website: www.gzns.gov.cn/)

  中国招标投标公共服务平台(网址: www.cebpubservice.com/)
China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (website: www.cebpubservice.com/)

Website of Guangzi Electronic Bidding Platform (website: www.gzebid.cn/)

X. Competition Arrangement

(I) Selection of participating institutions

The Competition adopts the way of public registration. By publishing the competition announcement on the website, the registration of domestic and overseas design institutions is publicly accepted, which are selected and ranked by experts. The first 6 design institutions are selected as the participating institutions, and the 7th-8th are alternate participating institutions. If there are less than 6 qualified design institutions, the hosts may decide to extend the registration time or reorganize the registration work according to the project situation; If the participating institutions give up their qualifications for some reason after determining the participating institutions and before the technical documents are released, they will be replaced in turn by the alternate participating institutions until there are six participating institutions. The Organizers will send a formal invitation letter to the selected participating institutions, and the competition schemes submitted by other design institutions that have not been formally invited will not be accepted.

The selection results of participating institutions in the Competition will be announced before August 10, 2021 (tentative).

(II) Release of technical document for competition

The official release meeting of technical document for the competition of this project will be held in Nansha District, Guangzhou, and on-site reconnaissance and question answering will be organized at the same time. The time is (tentatively) set on August 10th, 2021, subject to the place and time in the invitation letter.

(III) Result submission time

The deadline for submission of results is tentatively set at 17:00 on October 26, 2021. All participating institutions must submit the final competition result documents to the designated place before the deadline, and the actual receipt date shall prevail. At the same time, the model should be delivered to the exhibition place on time according to the requirements of the Organizers before the expert review meeting.

(IV) Result evaluation method

The result evaluation of the Competition includes two stages of scheme effectiveness review and scheme evaluation. The review committee will first review the effectiveness of result schemes to determine the effectiveness, and invalid scheme will not be allowed to enter the scheme review.

The evaluation committee will evaluate the effective result schemes, and select the three winning schemes by voting on the basis of careful study of the technical documents and full discussion and comparison.

After the evaluation, the evaluation committee shall prepare written evaluation opinions, which shall be signed by all the judges and submitted to the competition committee.

The competition evaluation results of this project will be tentatively announced within 5 working days after the competition result evaluation meeting.

(V) Payment arrangement

1. Competition cost compensation and bonus

If it is confirmed as an effective design result by experts, each participating institution (the consortium unit is regarded as a participating institution) of the effective design result can get a cost compensation of RMB ONE MILLION YUAN Only (¥1,000,000.00). If it is judged as the winning scheme by experts, the participating institutions of the winning scheme can receive a bonus of RMB SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND YUAN Only (¥600,000.00) on the basis of cost compensation.

2. Scheme integration and optimization cost

After the Organizers negotiate with the participating institutions that have won the winning scheme and report it to the competition committee for confirmation, one participating institution will be determined to win the right of integrating and optimizing the competition results, which is responsible for integrating the characteristics of each competition scheme, combining the opinions of experts and organizers, and forming the optimized overall conceptual design and detailed design scheme. After submitting the integration and optimization results that meet the requirements, the Institution can get another scheme integration and optimization fee of RMB ONE MILLION YUAN Only (¥1,000,000.00) on the basis of cost compensation and bonus.

3. Payment method

The competition cost compensation fee, bonus and scheme integration and optimization fee will be all paid in RMB, and the Organizer of the competition, Nansha Branch of Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau (Guangzhou · Nansha Development Zone Planning Research Center), is responsible for settling with the participating institutions, and any taxes incurred shall be borne by the participating institutions themselves. If the participating institution is a consortium, a written agreement shall be formed on the proportion distribution of consortium expenses within 28 days from the date of the technical document release, and submitted to the competition organizers. In case of failure to submit it within the time limit, all expenses of the consortium will only be settled with the main unit of the consortium.

The obtained cost compensation, bonus and scheme integration and optimization fees will be paid to all participating institutions in China in RMB. If the overseas participating institution cannot collect RMB with its own account, it may authorize a domestic legal independent legal person to collect money, and the Organizers will not pay relevant formalities and taxes.


1) Participating institutions whose competition results have been evaluated as invalid by the evaluation committee will not be able to obtain competition cost compensation.

2) The cost compensation fee of the Competition includes all expenses incurred by the participating institutions during the Competition (including but not limited to design expenses, result production expenses, design research expenses, travel expenses incurred in cooperation with related project communication meetings, design copyright fees, and related taxes and fees), and no other expenses will be paid.


  XI Competition Deposit


  In order to guarantee satisfactory running of the Competition, any participating institution formally invited shall pay a competition deposit ofRMB FIFTY THOUSAND YUAN ONLY (50,000 yuan) to the competition affair service unit before the announcement of the technical document for confirming its participation.


  The full amount of the competition deposit will be returned to the account of payment (bearing no interest) within 2 weeks after the scheme evaluation is completed. If a participating institution fails to submit competition results according to the stipulations, the cash deposit will not be returned.


  Any participating institution failing to pay the cash deposit according to the requirements shall be deemed to have automatically abandoned its qualification for participating in the competition.


  XII Others


  (I)The competition shall be under jurisdiction of laws of the People’s Republic of China. The competition work and all documents shall be subject to laws of China. If any disputes cannot be settled through consultations, they shall be submitted to China Nansha International Arbitration Center for arbitration. The arbitration is final and shall be binding on the parties concerned.


  (II) If there are any discrepancies between the Competition announcement and theTechnical Document for Competition formally released, the Technical Document for Competition formally released shall prevail.


  (III) If there are any discrepancies between the English version and the Chinese version of the registration notification of the competition, the Chinese version shall prevail.


  (IV) No registration materials will be returned.


  XIII Contact Information:


  Competition Technical Service Unit: Guangzhou Urban Planning Association


  Contact Person: Ms Chen, Mr. Wu (020-83860919)


  Email: jingsai@upagz.cn


  Appendix I: Map of Competition Sphere


  Appendix II:Detailed Rules for the Selection of Participating Institutions in International Urban Design Competition of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone

  附件三:报名文件格式 (仅提供中文)

  Appendix III:Registration Document Format(Chinese Only)


  Appendix IV:List of Design Institutions(Chinese Only)


  Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau


  Nansha District People’s Government of Guangzhou City


  Jul. 12th, 2021
