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Publicity of the List of Official Participating Institutions in the International Urban Design Competition of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone


  The International Urban Design Competition of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone, jointly hosted by Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau and Nansha District People’s Government of Guangzhou City and specifically undertaken by Nansha Branch of Guangzhou Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau (Guangzhou·Nansha Development Zone Planning Research Center), has completed the selection and evaluation on August 6, 2021.The selection committee carefully evaluated based on the rules of selection and evaluation, and have selected a total of 6 official participating institutions and 2 alternate participating institutions. According to the competition rules, the list of official and alternate participating institutions and relevant information are hereby publicized as follows:

  I. List ofthe official participating institutions (In no particular order)


Participating Institutions


广州市城市规划勘测设计研究院+AAUPC CHAVANNES & ASSOCIES(法国AAUPC建筑规划事务所)+EDSA, Inc.




北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司+Tekuma Frenchman Urban Design LLC(塔科玛法兰奇曼城市设计)


SWA Group+楷亚锐衡设计规划咨询(上海)有限公司北京分公司+ISA-Internationales Stadtbauatelier




华南理工大学建筑设计研究院有限公司+Guallart Architects SL(瓜利亚尔特建筑事务所)

  II. List ofthe alternate participating institutions (Substitute in order)


Participating Institutions





  III. Publicity period: From August6, 2021, 20:00 to August 9, 2021, 23:59.

  IV. Contact:

  Contact person: Miss. Chen and Mr. Wu (020-83860919)


  V. Objection acceptance

  (I) If the participating institution or other interested parties have objection to the publicity list, it should be proposed to the technical service unit of the Competition (Guangzhou Urban Planning Association) in the original written form within the publicity period of the list, and the objection document that fails to be submitted as required will not be accepted.

  (II) The objection document should include at least the main contents, as follows:

  1.The names, addresses, contacts and contact telephones of objection units and related units;

  2.Objection items and matters;

  3.Legal basis, factual basis, relevant evidence materials and source of evidence;

  4.Date of submitting objection.

  (III) The objection document should be signed by the legal representative or the person in charge of the unit or the representative duly authorized, and sealed with official seal of the unit.

  (IV) The objection unit shall be responsible for the authenticity of the objection which should not contain false and malicious components. Based on the principle that who claims, who puts to the proof, the one who raises an objection must simultaneously submit relevant hard evidence materials and note the exact source of evidence. The source of evidence must be legitimate. Technical service unit of the Competition is entitled to forward the objection document to the relevant parties and ask them to make explanations.

  International Urban Design Competition Committee Office of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Innovation Cooperation Demonstration Zone

  August 6, 2021
